The FFC has launched a series of talks in the run-up to SOLUTRANS 2021. The event, called SOLUTRANS Breakfast, provides a platform for well-known personalities from the heavy commercial vehicle and road transport industry.

Leaders of manufacturers and federations share with us their energy transition strategy that they have initiated in their companies. In addition to this headline SOLUTRANS theme, these interviews also address subjects such as biofuels and urban logistics.

Three exclusive meetings:

  • Transport federations and the energy transition
  • New energies
  • Urban logistics.

Happy viewing!


The challenges of energy transition in road haulage

The haulier federations FNTR, TLF and OTRE accept the invitation of Patrick CHOLTON, chairman of FFC and SOLUTRANS, to have a debate addressing the energy transition and its challenges for goods road haulage. With Rodolphe LANZ, Secretary general of FNTR, Alexis DEGOUY, General delegates of Union TLF, Jean Marc RIVERA, General delegate of OTRE.


This video is in French. We invite to activate automatic subtitling on Youtube to have a partial translation


The constraints that weigh on carriers

Florence Berthelot, General Delegate of the FNTR and Olivier Raymond, statistician at the CNR (National Road Committee), take stock of the constraints on carriers, both in terms of regulations and increased operating costs.


This video is in French. We invite to activate automatic subtitling on Youtube to have a partial translation

Stay connected: the other episodes of the SOLUTRANS breakfasts will be posted soon!